Thursday, September 4, 2008

AshuSoft - AB Attachment Browser & Extractor

AB Attachment Extractor (& Browser) has been released

Some of it's cool features are

  1. Browse attachments in your Mailbox/PST just like windows explorer
  2. Can remove the attachments from the mail, leaving the mail intact to reduce the mailbox/PST size
  3. Extract (save) attachments out of any number of mails (selected) or the complete folder or even complete mailbox
  4. Automatically extract and save (or delete) attachments from incoming mail
  5. Create filter to extract attachments/files so that attachments are extracted (saved or removed or deleted) from selected mails
  6. Can also extract embedded attachments out of the mails, these are the one which are part of the email body
  7. Ideal software to receive files send by AB Mass Mailer

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